Hello people! This week we have an episode for those of you that are particularly anal retentive. I’m showing you how to iron fringe. Keeping all our strands going in the right direction is important!It's a simple three step process - you'll need a wide toothed comb that doesn't have any burrs on the teeth, so as to not snag the delicate fibers of the fringe. Start by taking a small section of fringe and combing it out on your ironing board. Then run the iron over it. Repeat the process 3 or 4 times, then lay the fringe flat, put the iron down on it near the "roots" and, applying medium pressure, pull the fringe out from under it. You'll be amazed at the results!
In addition to that, we have lots of things to talk about. I was recently featured on the cover of the online crafting magazine “Snippets”, which is a part of the delightful UK site Cut out and Keep. The article is a lot of fun. Be sure and have a look! The aprons featured in the article are available on Felix Populi and we’ve just reduced the price from $32 to $25. They make great hostess gifts and are fun and practical in the kitchen. Be sure and have a look!