
Time Travel Made Possible - A Trip to New York in 1971

I live on 23rd Street, across from the Chelsea Hotel. Today, they're shooting a film with the hotel as a backdrop. It's Cinema Verite, due to be released in 2012, about the lives of the Louds - the subject of America's first reality television show in 1971. Lance Loud lived in the Chelsea Hotel, so they're doing a lot of different set ups. It's fascinating to see what they've done to 23rd St!
They're using so much of the street for background and they've redressed the store windows to reflect the period.
This one is normally an ink cartridge store. I love the stickers that say they accept Bank Americard and Master Charge
This one is a salon.
I've been having fun photographing the changes, and if you frame the shots just right it looks like you've shot a period photograph. The only giveaway in this shot is the extra holding her iPhone.
The period effect is exaggerated with a little work in photoshop. This photo of extras in front of a bank with a VW in the foreground looks period enough as it is, but remove the color and add a bit of blur and some grain...
...and it's like a news paper image from 1971
Here's another remarkable shot. I took this one from my fire escape during one of their shots. The cars are all period. The only giveaways are the crew members in shorts and the new stroller on the sidewalk. Give it the same treatment and...
...after a bit of a crop you have a 70's film still.

It's been fun to see all the hard work they're putting into this film. I'm looking forward to seeing it. It's a fascinating subject!